Whiteladies Road Flood Alleviation and Footpath Scheme Consultation
Consultation has concluded
We are proposing to carry out highway improvements focusing on a drainage system and footpath improvements along Whiteladies Road between the Tyndall’s Park Road junction and the Queen’s Road junction.
Proposed highway improvements
This section of Whiteladies Road suffers from localised flooding and is a road safety issue for pedestrians. The width of the inbound footway (on the Victoria Methodist Church side, heading toward the Triangle) is sub-standard and uneven because of the tree roots. There are several narrow sections along the footpath where the trees narrow the footway for pedestrians.
We need to address these issues of flooding and footpath space for pedestrians on the inbound route and propose to:
- Remove the inbound cycle lane to provide space to accommodate a wider, flat and even footpath whilst retaining the inbound traffic lane for motorised traffic.
- Replace the existing footpath with permeable soft verges (grass verges) which will take rainfall from the surface and help alleviate the risk of localised flooding.
- Install a new drainage channel for the water to flow between the new footpath and the permeable soft verges (grass verges) to take rainfall and direct it to the grass.
- Retain the existing drain covers to help drain the footpath and reduce risk of localised flooding.
- Create new drainage from the road to include kerbs with drainage holes to improve the water flow into the drain and reduce blockages from leaves.
- Retain existing vehicle access to properties.
For the outbound footpath (heading away from the Triangle) we propose to:
- Replace the existing kerbs with drop kerbs.
- Remove the outbound cycle lane and reduce the outbound traffic lane to 3.6m to give pedestrians on the narrow footpath more space from traffic.
We do try wherever possible to avoid the removal of the cycle lanes and have investigated pushing back the walls of properties to provide more width, but this is not an option as these are privately owned. We are proposing to install some greenery, e-scooter and cycle parking along the new widened footpath. The advanced stop lines for cyclists will be retained at the traffic signals.
The proposals are shown on the plan:
Get involved
For an opportunity to have a say about these proposals, review the plan, and fill in the short survey. You can also send your comments to the transport engagement team.
If you have a comment, question or you would like this information in a paper version, another language, Braille, audio tape, large print, easy English, BSL video or CD Rom or plain text please contact us:
- Email: transport.engagement@bristol.gov.uk
- Phone: 0117 9036449 and leave a message on the answerphone
- Write to: Whiteladies Road Flood Alleviation and Footpath Scheme, Transport Engagement Team, PO BOX 3399, 100 Temple Street, Bristol, BS1 9NE