Healthwatch Commissioning Intentions Consultation 2023

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This consultation is now closed. The consultation ran from 18 October to 12 December 2023.

Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire local authorities need to award a new contract for a Healthwatch service starting in October 2024.

In 2013, the government made it a duty for each local authority to provide a Healthwatch service to listen to the views and experiences of people who use health and care services and share the findings with local commissioners of services and nationally, through Healthwatch England. It aims to recognise good practice and identify where services needed to improve or where people have difficulties accessing services.

The current Healthwatch service was contracted from 2019 – 2022, and extended for two years until September 2024, to a single provider across the three authorities.

We propose to award a new contract for a Healthwatch service across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) which is the same geographic area as the health services provided through the Integrated Care System. We would also keep a sharp focus on each local authority’s social care services.

The proposed Healthwatch contract would be delivered by an external organisation following a tendering process.

The proposed contract would be funded by the by the Local Reform and Community Voices (LRCV grant) (Healthwatch component) for services commencing 1st October 2024 for three years, with a possibility to extend the contract by a further two years.

The three local authorities are working together to award and manage the proposed contract.

The proposed commissioning intentions for Healthwatch are the subject of this consultation survey. The survey also asks about your awareness of Healthwatch, interest in health and social care services and the best ways for Healthwatch to listen to your experiences.

You can read the proposed service specification here.

We would be pleased to hear from people individuals or groups with an interest in Healthwatch. Your comments will shape how we go forward.

If you would like to receive a copy of this document by post and/or in any other format or language, please contact

This consultation is now closed. The consultation ran from 18 October to 12 December 2023.

Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire local authorities need to award a new contract for a Healthwatch service starting in October 2024.

In 2013, the government made it a duty for each local authority to provide a Healthwatch service to listen to the views and experiences of people who use health and care services and share the findings with local commissioners of services and nationally, through Healthwatch England. It aims to recognise good practice and identify where services needed to improve or where people have difficulties accessing services.

The current Healthwatch service was contracted from 2019 – 2022, and extended for two years until September 2024, to a single provider across the three authorities.

We propose to award a new contract for a Healthwatch service across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) which is the same geographic area as the health services provided through the Integrated Care System. We would also keep a sharp focus on each local authority’s social care services.

The proposed Healthwatch contract would be delivered by an external organisation following a tendering process.

The proposed contract would be funded by the by the Local Reform and Community Voices (LRCV grant) (Healthwatch component) for services commencing 1st October 2024 for three years, with a possibility to extend the contract by a further two years.

The three local authorities are working together to award and manage the proposed contract.

The proposed commissioning intentions for Healthwatch are the subject of this consultation survey. The survey also asks about your awareness of Healthwatch, interest in health and social care services and the best ways for Healthwatch to listen to your experiences.

You can read the proposed service specification here.

We would be pleased to hear from people individuals or groups with an interest in Healthwatch. Your comments will shape how we go forward.

If you would like to receive a copy of this document by post and/or in any other format or language, please contact