Frome Gateway Regeneration Framework consultation 2023

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This consultation has now concluded.

This consultation was open from 23 October 2023 until 4 December 2023.

Each part of the survey included information about the draft regeneration framework, as well as questions. For more detailed information, respondents could refer to:

The following supporting document has influenced the regeneration framework but was not the subject of this consultation:

Respondents could request a paper version or alternative formats of the survey by emailing or by calling 0117 922 4409.

What happens next

All responses to this consultation have been analysed. The feedback was used to help develop an updated version of the Frome Gateway Regeneration Framework. Bristol City Council’s Cabinet approved the updated regeneration framework in February 2024. In making their decision, the council’s Cabinet considered the report of consultation responses and their impact on the updated regeneration framework.

As the regeneration framework is now approved, it is a ‘material consideration’ within the planning system, meaning the council will have to refer to it when deciding on planning applications or commenting on regeneration proposals.

Read the approved Frome Gateway Regeneration Framework here

Read the Consultation Report here

Read the Consultation Response Report here, which sets out changes made to the framework following consultation

Read Cabinet’s decision to approve the framework here

All documents relating to the decision can be found here: Decision details - Frome Gateway Regeneration Framework

Background details to the consultation can be viewed below.


Between 23 October and 4 December 2023, Bristol City Council consulted on proposals to guide and shape the long-term transformation of the land on both sides of the River Frome in St Jude’s. We refer to this area as the Frome Gateway Regeneration Area.

Map showing the Frome Gateway Regeneration area. This shows: The Core Regeneration Area bounded by Newfoundland Way (to the west), Easton Way (to the north), Pennywell Road (to the east), and Wade Street/Houlton Street (to the south). This area will see significant change as land is brought forward for redevelopment. The Regeneration Framework will outline design and development proposals within this area and guide the future delivery of new and improved homers, jobs, public and greenspaces, and infrastructure. The wider area of local context. The area surrounding the core regeneration area will not be subject to these development proposals. However, it is important to consider how any development works with and is connected into the surrounding area.Map of Frome Gateway Regeneration area

The draft Frome Gateway Regeneration Framework sets out a vision for the area to guide future development proposals and investment in the area. The vision proposes that the area changes over time from mostly industrial and warehousing to a residential-led mixed use neighbourhood. We propose that it should include about 1,000 new homes as well as a diverse mix of employment, community spaces and greener, safer streets. A key aspect of the vision for the area is to create a healthy and sustainable place to live that is resilient to a changing climate.

In this consultation, we asked for feedback from as many people and organisations as possible on the draft regeneration framework before a final version is completed.

This consultation was open from 23 October 2023 until 4 December 2023.

Each part of the survey included information about the draft regeneration framework, as well as questions. For more detailed information, respondents could refer to:

The following supporting document has influenced the regeneration framework but was not the subject of this consultation:

Respondents could request a paper version or alternative formats of the survey by emailing or by calling 0117 922 4409.

What happens next

All responses to this consultation have been analysed. The feedback was used to help develop an updated version of the Frome Gateway Regeneration Framework. Bristol City Council’s Cabinet approved the updated regeneration framework in February 2024. In making their decision, the council’s Cabinet considered the report of consultation responses and their impact on the updated regeneration framework.

As the regeneration framework is now approved, it is a ‘material consideration’ within the planning system, meaning the council will have to refer to it when deciding on planning applications or commenting on regeneration proposals.

Read the approved Frome Gateway Regeneration Framework here

Read the Consultation Report here

Read the Consultation Response Report here, which sets out changes made to the framework following consultation

Read Cabinet’s decision to approve the framework here

All documents relating to the decision can be found here: Decision details - Frome Gateway Regeneration Framework

Background details to the consultation can be viewed below.


Between 23 October and 4 December 2023, Bristol City Council consulted on proposals to guide and shape the long-term transformation of the land on both sides of the River Frome in St Jude’s. We refer to this area as the Frome Gateway Regeneration Area.

Map showing the Frome Gateway Regeneration area. This shows: The Core Regeneration Area bounded by Newfoundland Way (to the west), Easton Way (to the north), Pennywell Road (to the east), and Wade Street/Houlton Street (to the south). This area will see significant change as land is brought forward for redevelopment. The Regeneration Framework will outline design and development proposals within this area and guide the future delivery of new and improved homers, jobs, public and greenspaces, and infrastructure. The wider area of local context. The area surrounding the core regeneration area will not be subject to these development proposals. However, it is important to consider how any development works with and is connected into the surrounding area.Map of Frome Gateway Regeneration area

The draft Frome Gateway Regeneration Framework sets out a vision for the area to guide future development proposals and investment in the area. The vision proposes that the area changes over time from mostly industrial and warehousing to a residential-led mixed use neighbourhood. We propose that it should include about 1,000 new homes as well as a diverse mix of employment, community spaces and greener, safer streets. A key aspect of the vision for the area is to create a healthy and sustainable place to live that is resilient to a changing climate.

In this consultation, we asked for feedback from as many people and organisations as possible on the draft regeneration framework before a final version is completed.