Bristol SEND and Inclusion Strategy 2024-2028 Consultation

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Consultation has concluded

Bristol City Council is seeking your views on the draft Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and Inclusion Strategy 2024-2028.

The last SEND strategy was written in 2019.

To develop the draft strategy, we have worked together in partnership with education, health, and social care organisations as well as organisations working in our local communities, including Bristol Parent Carers and The Listening Partnership who are a group of children and young people with SEND aged from 13-25.

The draft strategy sets out how our partnership will make things better for children and young people with SEND over the next four years. It is based on a self-evaluation we completed in 2023 using feedback from the partnership. We will continue to update it every year. The self-evaluation process helped us all understand what is going well and what needs improving.

Some of the things we propose to do are based on what children and young people with SEND and their parent carers have told us and some are required by law.

The draft strategy sets out the six priority areas our partnership will focus on together. It also sets out the outcomes we are trying to achieve and how we will know if we have fulfilled them. We will also develop a detailed action plan; this will set out everything we will do to achieve the outcomes under each priority.

What happens next?

Please complete this consultation survey (“the survey") by 28 October 2024. Once the survey has closed, we will carefully consider all the responses to help us produce the final strategy.

Questions in the survey are phrased so that we can understand how important each action is to you, so that you can have your say. This is a standard format to ensure there is no bias or leading questions.

The responses from this survey will be included in a report to The SEND and Alternative Provision Executive Board. A final decision on the strategy will be made shortly afterwards and the final strategy will be available on the Local Offer website.

How can I take part?

You can take part in the survey here.

An Easy Read version of this survey is available here.

Easy Read versions of this survey are also available to download in Polish and Somali. Please return these completed surveys to

If you need this consultation survey as a paper version, or Braille, large print, British Sign Language, or in another language, or other alternative format, you can request this by contacting

Jeśli potrzebujesz wersji papierowej tej ankiety konsultacyjnej, lub wersji w formie Brajla, dużą czcionką, w języku migowym brytyjskim, w innym języku lub w innym formacie alternatywnym, możesz o to poprosić, kontaktując się z

Haddii aad u baahan tahay sahankan wadatashiga ah oo warqad ku qoran ama ku qoran Braille ama far waaweyn, waxaad codsan kartaa adigoo la soo xiriiraya

Bristol City Council is seeking your views on the draft Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and Inclusion Strategy 2024-2028.

The last SEND strategy was written in 2019.

To develop the draft strategy, we have worked together in partnership with education, health, and social care organisations as well as organisations working in our local communities, including Bristol Parent Carers and The Listening Partnership who are a group of children and young people with SEND aged from 13-25.

The draft strategy sets out how our partnership will make things better for children and young people with SEND over the next four years. It is based on a self-evaluation we completed in 2023 using feedback from the partnership. We will continue to update it every year. The self-evaluation process helped us all understand what is going well and what needs improving.

Some of the things we propose to do are based on what children and young people with SEND and their parent carers have told us and some are required by law.

The draft strategy sets out the six priority areas our partnership will focus on together. It also sets out the outcomes we are trying to achieve and how we will know if we have fulfilled them. We will also develop a detailed action plan; this will set out everything we will do to achieve the outcomes under each priority.

What happens next?

Please complete this consultation survey (“the survey") by 28 October 2024. Once the survey has closed, we will carefully consider all the responses to help us produce the final strategy.

Questions in the survey are phrased so that we can understand how important each action is to you, so that you can have your say. This is a standard format to ensure there is no bias or leading questions.

The responses from this survey will be included in a report to The SEND and Alternative Provision Executive Board. A final decision on the strategy will be made shortly afterwards and the final strategy will be available on the Local Offer website.

How can I take part?

You can take part in the survey here.

An Easy Read version of this survey is available here.

Easy Read versions of this survey are also available to download in Polish and Somali. Please return these completed surveys to

If you need this consultation survey as a paper version, or Braille, large print, British Sign Language, or in another language, or other alternative format, you can request this by contacting

Jeśli potrzebujesz wersji papierowej tej ankiety konsultacyjnej, lub wersji w formie Brajla, dużą czcionką, w języku migowym brytyjskim, w innym języku lub w innym formacie alternatywnym, możesz o to poprosić, kontaktując się z

Haddii aad u baahan tahay sahankan wadatashiga ah oo warqad ku qoran ama ku qoran Braille ama far waaweyn, waxaad codsan kartaa adigoo la soo xiriiraya