Further Information
Reasons for the proposed city centre transport changes
Bristol is a growing city with more people needing to travel into and through the city centre. Our roads are already at capacity with high levels of air pollution and congestion.
Bristol City Centre Development and Delivery Plan sets out a vision for the regeneration of the city centre, mainly focusing on Broadmead and Castle Park. It plans for 2,500 more homes, as well as new student and co-living accommodation, offices, shops and leisure facilities in the centre.
Our vision for the Broadmead area is to create an inclusive, sustainable and re-connected place for everybody; a place of diverse retail with vibrant cultural facilities and a thriving evening economy, while at the same time being somewhere to call home.
With more people in the city centre, we need to make space for them, improve streets, public transport and active travel as well as tackle air pollution and carbon emissions.
The changes we are proposing would enable people to switch from car journeys to more sustainable public transport and active travel options (walking, wheeling and cycling). This in turn will help us to work towards net zero while giving people all the health and wellbeing benefits of more physical activity.
We are not asking for feedback on the Bristol City Centre Development and Delivery Plan as this has been consulted on already and has been adopted by Bristol City Council. In this consultation, we are asking for your views on the transport proposals needed to support the plan.